So before training this evening, I got to sit down with Umar Amin our overseas player for the season to find out a little bit more about him.
So Umar, welcome to Doncaster, otherwise known as Sunny Donny, but while it’s sunny now, don’t expect it to say sunny forever. It will be raining soon.
Umar: I hope not, finger crossed.
So you have been in Doncaster for just over a week now, how are you finding it.
Umar: Doncaster is quite nice to be fair, I’ve been to worse places in England before. Worst in terms of getting around. The places I’ve been before have been really quiet compared to Doncaster. I’m finding it quite lively.

So the season started last week, have you got any personal goals.
Umar: I want to be the champions, that’s what I always like, to be winning, winning tournaments and then doing well for my team.
Have you got a goal in your mind for how many runs you want to get this season?
Umar: Definitely over 1000. When I came here I asked Wardy (James Ward, men’s captain) what the record for the league was and he said around 1000.
So that’s your goal then, to get the league record.
Umar: Yes, that’s the goal.
Let’s hope you can achieve both of them goals this year, being crowned champions and getting the league record would be a great season.

Cricket History
What age did you start playing cricket?
Umar: I started playing at around 11
That’s quite late, over here in England they start at around 6 or 7 years.
Umar: That’s quite early in Pakistan, they don’t usually take you to clubs until 13 or 14, but I started going around 11 to a club and practising regularly. But that’s still quite early for Pakistan.
So its much different over in Pakistan to how we do it here in England.

I know cricket is huge in Pakistan, but did you as a child like the sport?
Umar: Yes it was in my jeans, my father was a club cricketer as well. It was his passion that got to me as well, so I always like cricket, liked watching cricket, playing cricket at school in the streets everywhere. Cricket and football just love them.
So over here in the UK, there are quite a few famous cricketers and footballers that excelled at both sports and because they are opposite seasons they could do both as children and wasn’t until quite late they made the switch to their preferred sport, is that the same in Pakistan.
Umar: No unfortunately football isn’t that big in Pakistan so we just played as a bit of banter, with mates for a laugh.
Growing up in a cricket-loving family, who was your idols as a child.
Umar: The entire Pakistan cricket team, my favourite all-time player was Saeed Anwar. He was my idol, I used to love to watch him bat, but I still watch all of his videos. I’ve watched almost every single innings of his on Youtube. Overall I loved cricket.
As a cricketer what has been your best moment?
Umar: Definatly has to be the test debut at Lords.
Not a bad place to make your debut at Lords and play cricket. So that was 12 years ago how old would you have been?
Umar: I was 20 at the time.
I was going to ask you what’s the best ground you have ever played in, but I’m guessing I know the answer.
Umar: Has to be Lords.
Doncaster and your new home
As we covered, you have been in Doncaster for just over a week now, I’ve got some questions for you on Doncaster and playing here.
How have you found the Yorkshire accent among most of your teammates?
Umar: Yeah, there’s English and then there’s Yorkshire. It’s a whole different language, the first week I was lost. But now I’m starting to get hold of it.
It’s a bit difficult to understand, you guys eats a lot of words. You guys try to make words shorter. It is difficult but I’m starting to get used to it.
So you have known your team mates now for just over a week, whats your first thoughts on the team.
Umar: They are all a very nice bunch of lads, all about the same age which is nice. A few older and some younger but a very good mix of lads and they are quite funny, to be honest.
I find the wicketkeeper Sonny to be quite funny. I’m getting along very well with Wardy the captain, Joe and I’ve been coaching with him on a Friday and I’m actually getting along well with all of them.

Im guessing before you signed for Doncaster you Googled the place, was there anywhere you saw you wanted to visit?
Umar: I’ve found a few golf courses I will be checking out while I am here. I like playing golf. I also saw there is a wildlife park here and I would like to go and see a Lion there.
So last Friday I saw you was training some of the younger kids, is that something you will be doing every week?
Umar: Yes, I really enjoy coaching as well. I’ve been doing that the previous two stints in England and I actually quite like it. So yes you would see more of me on Fridays coaching the juniors.
Do you coach back in Pakistan?
Umar: No it’s just when I am over here.
Golden Duck
So before I let you go and start training with the lads, I’ve got one final question for you, how did it feel to get out on a golden duck on your debut?
Umar: Well I was just welcomed in England to be fair. When I got out on the first ball everyone was just saying “Welcome to England”. Everyone at the club kept saying it.
What I was expecting the pitch to be like, it was much better than that. So fingers crossed, I start scoring runs on Saturday.
Thank you for taking the time to sit with me before you train, good luck for the rest of the season.
So there you have it, the first interview of the new series and with our overseas player. He was a great guy, very cheery, very polite a good laugh. If you see him around don’t be afraid to say hi.
Let’s hope his two targets come true.
Let me know in the comments who else you would like to be interviewed.